Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I am NOT....

oK...jUSt A LIttLE rANt......I am fully aware that being able to stay at home with my kids and be a stay at home mom is a privelege. I am also aware that I have an easy life compared to a lot of other women. I just strongly DISLIKE when working moms judge me. "If I were a stay-at-home mom, I would...." "When I was a stay-at-home mom, I never......" "Stay-at-home moms are so....." It makes me a little angry. It also makes me a little mad when other stay-at-home moms think that they know me and what I do and what I am capable of. I know that I am not perfect and I know that my kids are not perfect, my house is not perfectly clean, my yard is not perfect, etc., etc. But LAY OFF!! I do the best that I can! I try not to judge you so don't judge me! "If I were a working mom I would never......" It wouldn't be fair for me to say that about you. Just because I am "just" a mom does not mean that I am stupid or lazy or fat or boring or gossipy! I am me and I am still the same person that I was when I was working full-time and before I had kids. Guess what? I am still a person that is unique and deserves respect. So...if you can't say something nice....don't say anything at all. I could go on about this all day but I think that I will go cry and maybe eat some junk food. Then I am going to let this go, go enjoy my kids and my life. Besides....I have flowers to plant today and that makes anyone feel better. :)

Monday, April 19, 2010


I just want to know...
Why is my body happy
At a weight that I am not happy at?
Why does it choose to
Torture me endlessly?
Why must I work so tirelessly
And starve so much
Just for my body to spit in my face?
Am I doomed to never eat sugar again
Just to weigh whatever my body wants to
Instead of what I want to?
Meh...I am going to go eat a cake.
I mean...
A PIECE of cake! :)
